Friday, December 16, 2016

Why Groovy, where does groovy fit

uGroovy is very accessible to Java developers.
uYou can use your existing java libraries.
ugroovy extends java.lang.Object.
Where does it fit
1)Web application development.
2)Building DSLs:- (Domain specific language)
3)Writing acceptance tests

4)Scripting in a JVM environment

Type of IDE used for Groovy

uJI IntelliJIDEA
uNetBeans IDE

Features of Groovy

uEasy to learn syntax
uStatic Typing and Static Compilation capabilities.
uCompiles to bytecodes that run on the JVM. It is OO language for the JVM
uEasy Learning curve for Java developer
uUser Modern Language features like closures, builders, runtime & compile time meta programming, functional programming , and static compilation.

uGriffon allows your to build desktop application written entirely in groovy

What is Groovy programming language?

Groovy is a dynamic language with feature similar to those python, ruby, Perl. It can be used as a scripting language for the Java platform.
Groovy is dynamically compiled to Java Virtual Machine bytecode and interoperates with other Java code and libraries.

Groovy is also used curly bracket syntax like Java.